woman holding a hand over her forehead in pain

Third Eye Chakra Blockage Symptoms

Identify Third Eye Chakra blockage symptoms, such as lack of intuition and mental fog. Learn how to clear these blockages and enhance your insight.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

A blocked third eye chakra can manifest as challenges in intuition, perception, and inner wisdom.

The third eye chakra, also known as Ajna, holds a crucial role in our ability to access higher consciousness, inner clarity, and intuitive insights.

When the sixth chakra is out of balance, individuals may struggle to connect with their inner wisdom, experience mental fog, and find it challenging to trust their instincts. A blocked third eye chakra often reflects difficulties in perceiving the deeper meanings of situations, hindering one's capacity to make insightful decisions and navigate life with clarity.

On the contrary, a harmoniously balanced Ajna chakra fosters a heightened sense of intuition, inner clarity, and a deep connection with one's inner self. An individual with a well-aligned third eye chakra experiences a clear vision of their life's path, enhanced intuition, and an open-minded approach to understanding the world around them. This balance creates a foundation for meaningful insights, profound awareness, and a more profound connection with both oneself and the universal consciousness.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

What Blocks Your Third Eye Chakra?

Traumatic experiences, such as emotional upheavals, deep-rooted fears, or spiritual disconnection, can severely hinder the energy flow in your third eye chakra, resulting in blockages and imbalances.

Your third eye chakra, positioned between your eyebrows, is the gateway to intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. When obstructed, it may cause a range of issues spanning physical, emotional, and mental realms.

  • Emotional turmoil: Emotional shock can cloud your third eye chakra, obscuring your clarity, intuition, and inner wisdom. Persistent criticism, self-doubt, or a lack of validation from your surroundings can build barriers around the third eye, impeding the natural flow of energy and hindering your ability to trust your inner guidance and perceive deeper truths.
  • Neglecting your spiritual aspects: Similarly, neglecting your spirituality or disconnecting from your inner self can block your third eye chakra. When you overlook your spiritual needs or fail to nurture your connection with the universe, it can lead to feelings of confusion, disorientation, and a loss of purpose. This spiritual void can create a barrier within the third eye chakra, preventing you from accessing higher consciousness and understanding the interconnectedness of all things.
  • Spiritual trauma: Experiencing spiritual trauma or shock, such as religious persecution, existential crises, or a loss of faith, can profoundly impact your third eye chakra. These traumatic events can fracture your spiritual foundation, causing your third eye chakra to close off and retreat into darkness. As a result, you may struggle with feelings of disillusionment, existential despair, and a profound sense of disconnection from the divine.



Envision someone who endured a crisis of faith after experiencing a profound loss. Throughout their journey, they grapple with existential questions, spiritual doubt, and a sense of isolation from their inner self and the universe. Despite their longing for spiritual enlightenment and inner peace, they find themselves trapped in a cycle of uncertainty and despair, unable to reconnect with their higher self and find solace in their spiritual beliefs. Healing the third eye chakra involves confronting and transcending these spiritual wounds, allowing the energy to flow freely once again and restoring a sense of clarity, insight, and spiritual connection to the individual.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

What Emotions are Governed by Third Eye Chakra?

The emotions governed by the Third Eye Chakra are deeply connected to our intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. Positioned between your eyebrows, the Third Eye Chakra serves as the portal to higher consciousness and inner wisdom. When this chakra is balanced, you experience clarity of vision and a deep understanding of the world around you.

Positive emotions associated with the Third Eye Chakra include:

  • Clarity: A balanced Third Eye Chakra fosters clarity of thought and perception. It allows you to see beyond the surface and discern the deeper truths of existence, guiding you on your spiritual journey with confidence and insight.
  • Intuition: Intuition is a key emotion governed by the Third Eye Chakra. When this chakra is balanced, you trust your inner guidance and have a strong sense of knowing that transcends logic and reason. Your intuition becomes a reliable compass, guiding you toward the path of highest truth and purpose.
  • Spiritual Connection: The Third Eye Chakra is the center of your spiritual connection and enlightenment. When balanced, you feel deeply connected to the divine and the universal consciousness, experiencing a profound sense of unity with all of creation.


For instance, imagine you are someone who has cultivated a strong connection with your inner self and the spiritual realm. Through meditation, introspection, and spiritual practice, you have nurtured your Third Eye Chakra, allowing it to flourish with clarity and insight. As a result, you trust your intuition, embrace your spiritual gifts, and navigate life's challenges with a sense of purpose and profound spiritual connection.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

How to Test if Your Third Eye Chakra is Blocked?

To assess whether your third eye chakra is blocked, consider the following signs and symptoms associated with its imbalance:

  1. Physical Symptoms: Experiencing headaches, vision problems, or sinus issues may indicate a blockage in the third eye chakra.
  2. Emotional Instability: Feeling confused, having difficulty concentrating, or experiencing a lack of intuition can signal an imbalance.
  3. Impaired Perception: Struggling to see the bigger picture or having trouble trusting your instincts and inner guidance.
  4. Disconnectedness: Feeling detached from your inner self or experiencing a lack of imagination and creativity.

To gain a better understanding of your third eye chakra's condition, consider taking our dedicated online test. You can access the Third Eye Chakra Test for personalized insights based on your responses. For a holistic look at the health of all your chakras, take our Chakra Test, which will provide you with an overview of your energy centers.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Physical Symptoms of Blockage:

If you:

  • suffer from frequent headaches or migraines,
  • endure frequent sinus infections,
  • have hormonal issues,
  • have trouble with your eyesight,
  • are hard of hearing or have other auditory issues,
  • have a nervous system disorder,
  • have been diagnosed with a mental disorder,

you should focus on your brow chakra and restore its balance.

Psychological Blockage Symptoms:

If you:

  • have difficulty assuming responsibility,
  • find it hard to accept new ideas or opinions different from your own,
  • lack imagination,
  • have trouble concentrating or retaining information,
  • cannot seem to find meaning in life,
  • feel you cannot access your intuition,
  • are haunted by fears, anxieties, or depressive moods,

you need to address the imbalance of your brow chakra to overcome these issues.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Closed Third Eye Chakra: In-depth Look at the Impact on Your Physical Health

Since the functioning of the “third eye” impacts some of the endocrine glands, tasked with regulating the hormonal balance, you must not overlook the brow chakra’s importance for the overall health.


Imbalanced sixth chakra reflects mainly in spiritual and psychological disorders, primarily as frustrations, anxieties, phobias, feelings of aimlessness and meaninglessness, and in having troubles concentrating.

But where there are mental issues, the physical problems follow suit. Headaches, migraines, or sensory organs’ impediments point to brow chakra issues.

A severely weakened Ajna can cause severe mental illnesses, which bear physical consequences as well. Holistic medicine believes that various forms of depression stem from the “third eye” not functioning properly.

An overly active sixth chakra can also cause serious issues, such as hallucinations and schizophrenia.

Unblock Your Third Eye Chakra by Practicing these Eight Activities

The third eye chakra, often referred to as Ajna, serves as the energetic center responsible for intuition, inner wisdom, and the profound connection to one's inner self. Balancing and healing this chakra involves cultivating a harmonious relationship with the power of insight and the ability to trust one's intuition.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can nurture and heal your third eye chakra, facilitating a clear and authentic connection with your inner feelings and intuition. Embrace the transformative energy of Ajna, allowing it to flow seamlessly through your perception and fostering a deeper connection with your inner self and the spiritual realm.

By embracing these techniques, you can encourage the free and authentic expression of your intuition, promoting balance and healing within the third eye chakra. Allow these practices to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, fostering balance and healing within your third eye chakra.

Here are eight effective techniques for balancing and healing the third eye chakra:

1. Take Night Walks and Gaze at the Stars

Take regular night walks and gaze at the starlit sky. Feel the peace, silence, and power of the nighttime, allowing the cosmic energy to stimulate your third eye chakra.

2. Exercise Your Imagination

Exercise your imagination by reading books, especially fantasy novels and fairytales. Stimulate your brow chakra by exploring the realms of creativity and imagination.

3. Wear Indigo-Colored Attire

When choosing new clothing items or accessories, opt for indigo or dark blue-colored apparel. Wearing these colors enhances the vibrational resonance of your third eye chakra.

4. Explore Spiritual Wisdom

Benefit from the mystical wisdom of both Eastern and Western philosophies. Read the works of spiritual teachers such as Buddha, Laozi, Epicurus, Seneca, and Schopenhauer to deepen your understanding of higher consciousness.

5. Write a Dream Journal

Keep a dream journal by recording your dreams upon waking. This practice enhances your connection to the dream realm and stimulates your imagination, fostering a deeper connection with your inner self.

6. Take Herbal Extracts

Take one of the following herbal extracts before your three main meals: European crab apple, walnut, or grapevine. These extracts support the balance of your third eye chakra. Ensure not to mix these extracts and stick with your chosen one.

7. Use Essential Oils for Aromatherapy

Use essential oils of violet, lemongrass, and cajuput for aromatherapy. Add three to four drops of the chosen essential oil to a diffuser, body lotion, or bathwater to stimulate and balance your sixth chakra.

8. Repeat Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

Incorporate daily affirmations into your routine, especially before bedtime. Slowly repeat the following third eye chakra affirmations at least ten times:

  • "I open myself to my inner light."
  • "I know that deep down I carry the answers to all questions."
  • "I am establishing a connection with my intuition and imagination."
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Things to Avoid to Unblock Your Third Eye Chakra

Maintaining a clear and balanced third eye chakra is essential for cultivating intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. To ensure the optimal functioning of this energy center, it's crucial to be mindful of certain habits and behaviors that can block its energy flow. By avoiding these detrimental factors, you can create a supportive environment for healing and balance, allowing the third eye chakra to flourish and guide you on your spiritual journey with clarity and wisdom.

Here's a list of things to avoid to foster healing and balance in the third eye chakra:

Ignoring Intuitive Insights:

Disregarding or dismissing your intuitive insights can block the energy flow in the third eye chakra. Ignoring your inner guidance and intuition prevents you from accessing deeper truths and spiritual wisdom. Instead, trust in your intuitive instincts and embrace the messages that arise from within.

Overstimulation from Screens:

Excessive exposure to screens, such as smartphones, computers, and televisions, can overwhelm and overstimulate the third eye chakra. Constant digital stimulation can cloud your mind and hinder your ability to access inner clarity and insight. Limiting screen time and incorporating periods of digital detox can help quiet the mind and enhance your intuitive abilities.

Lack of Meditation and Mindfulness:

Neglecting meditation and mindfulness practices can inhibit the activation of the third eye chakra. Meditation allows you to quiet the mind, cultivate inner stillness, and deepen your connection to your spiritual self. Without regular meditation and mindfulness, the third eye chakra may remain dormant, preventing you from accessing higher states of consciousness.

Closed-Mindedness and Skepticism:

Approaching life with a closed mind and excessive skepticism can block the energy flow in the third eye chakra. Doubting spiritual concepts and rejecting intuitive insights creates barriers to spiritual growth and enlightenment. Instead, adopt an open-minded attitude and be receptive to new ideas and experiences that expand your consciousness.

Disconnection from Nature:

Losing touch with the natural world can impede the activation of the third eye chakra. Spending too much time indoors and disconnected from nature deprives you of the grounding energy and spiritual nourishment that the earth provides. Reconnecting with nature through outdoor activities, nature walks, and spending time in natural environments can help awaken and balance the third eye chakra.

Excessive Analytical Thinking:

Relying solely on analytical thinking and logic can block the intuitive faculties of the third eye chakra. Overemphasis on rationality and intellectualism can overshadow your intuitive insights and spiritual awareness. Balancing analytical thinking with intuitive knowing allows for a more holistic understanding of reality and promotes the harmonious functioning of the third eye chakra.

Suppression of Imagination and Creativity:

Suppressing your imagination and creative expression can hinder the activation of the third eye chakra. Imagination is the gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual vision. Engaging in creative pursuits such as art, writing, or music can stimulate the third eye chakra and facilitate the flow of intuitive insights and inspiration.

By avoiding these detrimental habits and behaviors, you can unblock and activate your third eye chakra, allowing it to function optimally and guide you on your spiritual journey with clarity, insight, and wisdom.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Signs of Healthy and Open Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra opens the doors of the mind to imagination, intuition, and extra-sensory perception. The sixth chakra is also known as 'the third eye' and is associated with the sixth sense.

  • Sharpness and agility of your mind,
  • clearness of thoughts,
  • strong intuition and confidence in yourself,
  • having inner peace,
  • emphatic and emotional perception of reality,
  • telepathy, clairvoyance, vivid dreams, etc,

are the main signs that your third eye chakra is balanced, open, and energized.

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            Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

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