painting of a green flower symbolizing heart chakra opening

Heart Chakra Opening Symptoms

Discover the signs of Heart Chakra opening, from increased compassion to emotional healing. Learn how to recognize and embrace these transformative symptoms.

Opening the Heart chakra brings about a number of physical, emotional and spiritual changes. These symptoms are all small reminders that you are experiencing an increased flow of energy through the heart chakra and need to further embrace the concepts of love, compassion, and inner peace.

Symptoms of the Heart Chakra Opening and How to Accept Them

When you work with your heart chakra, you may experience various feelings and sensations in your body – and this is quite normal since you are on the path of personal evolution.

Heat and Opening up in the Chest

The first physical feeling that you will get from opening the heart chakra is light heat or expansion in the chest area. This may occur at times when you experience a heightened emotion or connection with the self or another person and could mean that energy is moving through your heart chakra. The warmth represents the emergence of love and empathy in you and the invitation to stay open and receive.

Enhanced Love and Empathy

You may also feel that you have increased capacity to love and feel empathy. You will gain the ability to forgive and become more considerate of others. This heightened feeling of love is an internal feeling of love that reinforces your relationships and makes them more intimate.

Liberation of Emotions and Release of Pain

When you open up your heart chakra you may also experience shedding off of emotional walls and hurts from the past. You may experience episodes of crying or even laughing out loud as you process the release in this particular release. This process may be difficult, but it is necessary to remove negative energies and learn to love and be loved.

More Equilibrium and Balance

The opening of your heart chakra bestows a greater sense of balance and harmony to your life. You will get to the level of authenticity where you can be true to yourself and follow your intuition. This inner balance reflects in the way you connect with the world around you; hence, your peace is contagious.

Connecting to the Universal Love and Unity

The activation of the heart chakra can lead to a broad sense of connectedness to the cosmic energy of love. You will begin to see everything as connected and cherish life as a holy gift. This connection broadens your mind and brings in some meaning and sense of being into your life.


Physical Symptoms and Signs of Heart Chakra Opening

  1. Chest Warmth: Feeling of warmth in the chest area.
  2. Pulsating Sensation: Pulsating or vibrating in the heart region.
  3. Chest Pressure: Sensation of pressure or heaviness in the chest.
  4. Heart Palpitations: Noticeable changes in heart rate or palpitations.
  5. Back Pain: Pain between the shoulder blades or upper back.
  6. Breathlessness: Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
  7. Tingling: Tingling sensations in the arms or hands.
  8. Lightness: Feeling of lightness or expansion in the chest.
  9. Sweating: Increased sweating without physical exertion.
  10. Circulation Changes: Noticeable changes in blood circulation, like cold hands or feet.

Emotional and Spiritual Symptoms of Heart Chakra Opening

  1. Increased Compassion: The ability to understand and care for other people.
  2. Unconditional Love: An emerging sense of universal acceptance of oneself and others.
  3. Emotional Release: Crying or laughing without clear reasons.
  4. Forgiveness: Increased capacity to forgive and be easy on yourself and others.
  5. Inner Peace: A feeling of tranquility and peacefulness.
  6. Emotional Sensitivity: More empathy towards others.
  7. Joy and Gratitude: Continual positive emotions and gratitude for life.
  8. Heightened Intuition: Stronger and more focused ability to connect with your inner wisdom.
  9. Sense of Unity: Connecting with consciousness that is an integral part of nature.
  10. Emotional Balance: Increased emotional stability, or the ability to retain control in stressful situations.

Becoming Guided by Feelings: Signs of Heart Chakra Opening

When your heart chakra is open, your perception of reality shifts from ‘thinking about things’ to ‘feeling things’.

On a physical level, the symptoms of your heart chakra opening can be felt as pulsating or warmth in your chest area.

When bigger blockages are removed you can even feel pain or pressure. Back pain in the chest area is also not uncommon.

On a psychological level, you might experience emotional instability with moments of excitement and being happy for no reason, followed by moments of a bad mood or even depression.

When you experience ‘negative’ symptoms. you have to understand that this is only a part of the process of your chakra opening.

However, with progress, these symptoms should fade out relatively fast, and then the other, more pleasant effects can be experienced.

If your other chakras are somewhat balanced and you have cleared the biggest energy blockages from your energy body, then you can sense the underlying feeling of love and peace which accompanies the perception of the heart.

This feeling will grow into you and accompany you in your everyday life, giving you more stability, trust in yourself, feeling of being supported, and sharing your unconditional love with others.

We are very reserved when it comes to openly sharing our emotional energy, simply because we have a fear of getting hurt by the actions of others. However, once we realize through practice, that the energy of love and support is all around us and not just in ourselves. When we learn to use and transcend this energy, we will realize that nothing can hurt us.

We will live in the ‘Anahata’ (the unstruck) chakra.

Embracing the Journey of Heart Chakra Opening

In conclusion, the symptoms experienced during the opening of the heart chakra are real indications that an energetic process is taking place within your body. These sensations are normal and can help you recognize and manage the process of opening the chakras. The opening of your heart chakra gives you the chance of growth and development mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through self-compassion, healing emotional wounds, and developing love and compassion. Enter this relationship with an open heart and mind as it is a gateway to more love, intimacy, and happiness.

Opening Symptoms of Other Chakras:

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