woman holding a hand over her throat in pain

Throat Chakra Blockage Symptoms

Discover common Throat Chakra blockage symptoms like communication issues and self-expression struggles. Learn how to unblock and balance your Throat Chakra.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Blocked throat chakra can manifest as challenges in authentic self-expression and communication.

The throat chakra, known as Vishuddha, plays a pivotal role in our ability to convey our thoughts, emotions, and truths effectively.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

What Blocks Your Throat Chakra?

The throat chakra is an energy center responsible for communication and self-expression. When this chakra is open and balanced, we can freely express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas with clarity and confidence.

Factors that can block the throat chakra include:

  • Fear of Expression: Fear of speaking up or fear of being judged can block the throat chakra's energy flow. Whether it's fear of criticism, rejection, or confrontation, allowing fear to silence your voice can create energetic blockages in this area. Instead, practice speaking your truth with courage and authenticity, regardless of others' opinions.
  • Repressed Emotions: Suppressing emotions and not expressing yourself honestly can also block the throat chakra. When emotions are bottled up inside, they can create a barrier in the throat chakra, hindering the free flow of communication. It's essential to acknowledge and express your emotions in healthy ways to keep the throat chakra open and balanced.
  • Lack of Self-Expression: Not expressing yourself authentically and holding back your true thoughts and feelings can stifle the throat chakra's energy flow. Whether it's due to fear of judgment or a desire to please others, denying yourself the freedom to express who you are can create blockages in this area. Embrace your uniqueness and express yourself openly and honestly to keep the throat chakra unblocked.


For example, imagine someone who struggles with speaking up in social situations. They often feel afraid to voice their opinions or share their ideas, fearing they will be judged or criticized by others. As a result, their throat chakra becomes blocked, and they experience difficulty communicating effectively. By confronting their fear of expression and practicing speaking their truth with confidence, they can begin to unblock their throat chakra and express themselves more freely and authentically.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

What Emotions are Governed by Throat Chakra?

The throat chakra, positioned at the base of the throat, serves as a gateway for expressing our thoughts, feelings, and ideas to the world. When this chakra is open and balanced, we can communicate effectively and authentically, fostering healthy relationships and personal growth.

Positive qualities associated with the throat chakra include:

  • Clear Communication: A balanced throat chakra enables clear and honest communication. It allows us to express ourselves openly and authentically, without fear of judgment or rejection. Clear communication fosters understanding, connection, and mutual respect in our interactions with others.
  • Creative Expression: The throat chakra is also linked to creativity and self-expression. When this chakra is balanced, we feel inspired to express ourselves creatively through art, music, writing, or other forms of creative expression. Embracing our creativity allows us to tap into our inner wisdom and share our unique gifts with the world.
  • Self-Confidence: Confidence in our ability to express ourselves and communicate effectively is another positive quality associated with the throat chakra. When this chakra is balanced, we feel confident in our words and actions, trusting in our ability to convey our thoughts and feelings with clarity and conviction.


For instance, consider someone who struggles with speaking up in social situations due to fear of judgment or rejection. As they work on balancing their throat chakra, they begin to overcome their fear and express themselves more confidently and authentically. They find their voice and speak their truth with clarity and conviction, fostering deeper connections and greater fulfillment in their relationships and endeavors. Through the healing and balancing of their throat chakra, they unlock their true potential and embrace the power of their voice.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

How to Test if Your Throat Chakra is Blocked?

To evaluate whether your throat chakra is blocked, consider the following signs and symptoms associated with its imbalance:

  1. Physical Symptoms: Experiencing throat pain, hoarseness, or issues with the thyroid can indicate a blockage in the throat chakra.
  2. Emotional Instability: Difficulty expressing your thoughts and feelings, leading to frustration or a sense of being unheard.
  3. Communication Issues: Struggling to communicate effectively or feeling shy and withdrawn in social situations.
  4. Honesty Concerns: Having trouble being truthful with yourself or others, which can lead to feelings of guilt or shame.

For a clearer understanding of your throat chakra's health, consider taking our targeted online test. You can find the Throat Chakra Assessment Test for insights tailored to your responses. Additionally, if you want to explore the overall health of all your chakras, take a look at our Holistic Chakra Evaluation for a comprehensive overview of your energy centers.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Physical Symptoms of Blockage:

If you:

  • have neck pain,
  • have a sore throat,
  • suffer from frequent tonsillitis,
  • have pain in the back of your neck, or shoulders,
  • experience thyroid issues,
  • have problems with your voice (hoarseness, cracking, etc.),
  • have dental issues,

you might want to take some time for yourself and work on restoring balance to your throat chakra.

Psychological Blockage Symptoms:

If you:

  • are very shy and often feel insecure,
  • have trouble verbalizing your feelings and emotions,
  • are uncomfortable expressing your opinions,
  • often get stuck creatively, even though you know you are artistically talented,
  • frequently use the wrong words only to realize you’ve unintentionally hurt someone’s feelings,
  • have a habit of being manipulative, controlling, or excessively talkative and overbearing,
  • are not accepting other people's opinions,

you should look into ways how to balance your throat chakra.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Closed Throat Chakra: In-depth Look at the Impact on Your Physical Health

The throat chakra location is in the area of the neck and throat. As such it is connected to the adjacent organs and body parts, such as upper airwaystonsilsjawsneck, etc.


The interference with the energy flow through the throat chakra is often audible – the voice is hoarse, stiff, or weak, there might be stammering.

Frequent inflammations of the larynx, esophagus, and tonsils are also indicative of throat chakra imbalance. The same goes for tense neck and shoulderstrouble swallowing, and the so-called “lump in the throat” feeling.

Various other speech impediments are tied to an unhealthy throat chakra as well.

Apart from neck area problems, an imbalanced fifth chakra can also reflect thyroid problems (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), a goiterear pain, and teeth and gum issues.

The thyroid and parathyroid glands are endocrine glands that have a substantial impact on metabolism. An inactive throat chakra is thus related to weight issues (too low or too high) and energy issues (hyperactivity or lethargy).

When the fifth chakra is out of balance, individuals may struggle to express themselves genuinely, leading to difficulties in both self-acceptance and connecting with others. A strained throat chakra often reflects challenges in verbalizing personal truths and may hinder one's capacity to openly communicate with those around them.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Unblock Your Throat Chakra by Practicing these Seven Activities:

The throat chakra, or Vishuddha, serves as the energetic center responsible for communication, self-expression, and the authentic articulation of one's inner truth. Balancing and healing this chakra involves cultivating a harmonious relationship with the power of words and the ability to communicate effectively.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can nurture and heal your throat chakra, facilitating a clear and genuine expression of your thoughts and emotions. Embrace the transformative energy of Vishuddha, allowing it to flow seamlessly through your voice and fostering a deeper connection with yourself and those around you.

By embracing these techniques, you can encourage the free and authentic expression of your voice, promoting balance and healing within the throat chakra.

Here are seven effective techniques for balancing and healing the throat chakra:

1. Gaze at the Blue Sky

Spend moments looking up at the blue sky, and consider planning vacations near the seaside or a lake. Connecting with the vastness of the sky and water can stimulate the throat chakra's energy flow.

2. Infuse Blue into Your Life

Introduce more blue elements into your life by wearing blue clothes and accessories. Redesign your living space with blue accents in the form of furniture, spreads, curtains, cushions, appliances, and walls. The color blue resonates with the throat chakra, promoting balance and communication.

3. Enhance Communication Skills

Consciously work on improving your pronunciation and communication skills. Enroll in language classes, debate clubs, or rhetoric courses. Consider taking singing or speech lessons to enhance your vocal expression.

4. Start Journaling

Begin writing a journal to practice expressing yourself in writing. Record your thoughts, emotions, and experiences, both uplifting and challenging. Journaling serves as a therapeutic practice for transforming thoughts into articulate speech.

5. Listen to Vocal Compositions

Immerse yourself in vocal compositions with instrumental accompaniment, such as cantatas, chants, and choral works. Additionally, listening to mantras can have a harmonizing effect on the throat chakra, promoting clarity in communication.

6. Express Your Opinions

Learn and practice forming your opinions and expressing them to those close to you. Strive for kindness and truthfulness in your communication, fostering open and honest dialogue with others.

7. Throat Chakra Affirmations

Incorporate daily affirmations into your routine, especially before bedtime. Slowly repeat the following throat chakra affirmations at least ten times:

  • "I look forward to my creativity and to the ability to express my thoughts."
  • "I open myself to the power of words."
  • "I speak the truth. My words come from the heart."
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Avoid These Things to Unblock Your Throat Chakra

To keep your throat chakra healthy and balanced, it's crucial to steer clear of certain habits and behaviors that can impede its energy flow. By sidestepping these harmful influences, you can create a nurturing environment for healing and harmony, allowing the throat chakra to function optimally and support your communication and self-expression.

Here's what to avoid to foster healing and balance in this essential energy center:

Fear of Expression:

Allowing fear to silence your voice and inhibit your ability to express yourself can block the throat chakra's energy flow. Whether it's fear of judgment, criticism, or rejection, giving in to fear-based thinking can create barriers in this area. Instead, practice courageously speaking your truth and embracing vulnerability to overcome fear of expression.


Being dishonest or withholding your true thoughts and feelings can stifle the throat chakra's energy flow. When you're not authentic in your communication, it creates discordance within the chakra, hindering the free flow of energy. Avoiding untruthfulness and striving for honesty and transparency in your interactions fosters harmony and integrity in your communication.

Overextending Yourself:

Taking on too many commitments or neglecting your own needs can stifle the throat chakra's energy flow. When you're spread too thin or prioritize others' needs over your own, it creates imbalance in this area, limiting your ability to communicate effectively. Avoid overextending yourself and set healthy boundaries to preserve your energy and maintain balance in your life.

Lack of Self-Expression:

Suppressing your creativity and stifling your unique voice can block the throat chakra's energy flow. When you deny yourself the freedom to express who you are, it creates constriction in this area, limiting your ability to communicate authentically. Embrace your creativity and self-expression, and allow your voice to be heard without inhibition.



For instance, consider someone who struggles with fear of public speaking. They avoid speaking up in meetings or sharing their ideas, fearing they will be judged or criticized by others. As they work on unblocking their throat chakra, they confront their fear and gradually become more comfortable expressing themselves openly and confidently. Through practice and self-awareness, they overcome their fear of expression and unlock the power of their voice, fostering greater connection and authenticity in their communication.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Signs of Healthy and Open Throat Chakra

A harmoniously balanced Vishuddha chakra fosters clear and authentic self-expression. An individual with a well-aligned throat chakra experiences openness, honesty, and tolerance, creating a foundation for meaningful and effective communication with oneself and others.

People with balanced throat chakra have exceptional communication skills. They are capable of translating their most complex thoughts into words and expressing their ideas in a way that is motivational to the people around them. They are also excellent listeners who can integrate the ideas and opinions of others into a constructive teamwork process.

  • Communication skills,
  • ability to express oneself,
  • truthfulness,
  • leadership skills,
  • creative expression,
  • having diverse interests,

are the signs of a healthy and balanced fifth chakra.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Blockage Symptoms of Other Chakras:

woman holding hands against her lower abdomen in pain

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          Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

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