image of a sacral chakra symbol over a orange background

Sacral Chakra Meaning, Symbol, Location and Properties

Discover the Sacral Chakra’s meaning, symbol, location, and properties. Understand how this energy center enhances creativity, emotions, and relationships.

The Sacral Chakra is also known as 'The Second Chakra' or 'Svadhisthana' by its Sanskrit name.

  • Its main purpose is to regulate emotions, creativity, and sexuality.
  • It is the center of pleasure, desire, and emotional flow.
  • The Sacral Chakra is associated with the water element, representing fluidity and adaptability.
Table Of Contents
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Sacral Chakra Meaning

The sacral chakra is the center of female energy. It enables reproduction, the survival of the species, birth, and the creation of the new.

The main themes associated with the sacral chakra are sexuality, creativity, and sensuality.

Svadhishthana is a link between the male and female aspects, between the Sun and the Moon.

While the base chakra gives you a stable foundation for exploring, the sacral chakra provides you with the joy of life necessary for seeking out and enjoying new experiences.

The second chakra is the link between experiencing the world with our senses, reacting to it with our feelings, and evaluating it all with our minds.

Happiness is one of the driving forces in your life and the ability to revel in the pleasures of life stimulates playful learning and fosters creative expression.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

Sacral Chakra Symbol


The second chakra is represented by the symbol of water, which indicates movement, fluidity, flexibility, and signals the eternal flow of life. 

Apart from water, the crescent moon is also an important symbol of Svadhishthana. It represents the female energy and establishes a link with the subconscious.

The six petals of the Svadhishthana symbol have the orange glow of invigorating impulses that encourage creativity and the joy of life.

The sacral chakra symbol, known as "Svadhisthana" in Sanskrit, is represented by a circle with a crescent moon and six petals surrounding it. Here's a breakdown of its key elements:

  1. Crescent Moon: The crescent moon symbolizes the water element and fluidity, representing emotions, creativity, and the ebb and flow of life's experiences.

  2. Circle: The circle represents the continuous cycle of birth, life, and death, reflecting the chakra's connection to emotions and creativity.

  3. Six Petals: The six petals signify the six negative emotions: anger, jealousy, cruelty, hatred, pride, and desire. These emotions must be balanced to cultivate creativity and emotional balance.

  4. Color: The sacral chakra is associated with the color orange, symbolizing warmth, creativity, and joy. The vibrant orange reflects the chakra's emotional and creative energy.


Sacral Chakra Location

The sacral chakra is located above the spleen, in the lumbar region, just above the sexual organs, and beneath the navel.

Its location in the energy body is just above the root chakra from which it draws the pure nurturing energy of the earth.

In Shvadhishthana this energy is transformed through the principles of creativity and sensual joy of life and is further supplied to the third chakra center - the Manipura.

Sacral Chakra Properties and Functions

  • Common names: Sacral Chakra, Second Chakra, the center of sexuality, the seat of life
  • Name meaning: Svadhishthana comes from Sanskrit and translates to 'sweetness.' Being associated with a range of earthly delights the name is rather appropriate.
  • Corresponding gland: gonad
  • Color: orange
  • Mantra: VAM
  • Number of petals: six petals, each containing one of the following Sanskrit syllables बं ban, भं bhaमंmaयं yaरं ra , and लं la.
  • Corresponding deities: Vishnu, Rakini

Hindu God Vishnu is one of the three principal deities in Hindu cosmology. Vishnu is the protector god, who acts whenever the world is facing chaos or destructive forces.

  • Animal Symbols: fish, all sea creatures, crocodile
  • Element: water
  • Symbol: crescent moon
  • Sound: Ooo
  • Frequency: 288 Hz
  • Corresponding sense: taste
  • Corresponding natural phenomena: moonlight, running water
  • Planet: Venus

Venus is the second planet from the Sun. The name Venus comes from the Roman goddess of love. Planet Venus is also the brightest object in the sky seen from Earth (apart from the Sun and the Moon).

  • Key themes: sexuality, fertility, creativity, self-awareness
  • Affected body parts: sexual glands, reproductive and abdominal organs (lower abdomen), lumbar region, pelvis, uterus, kidneys, circulatory system, bodily fluids
  • Positive spiritual aspects: awareness of one’s own body, vitality, creativity, healing energy, inventiveness, passion, joie de vivre, female energy
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

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        Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011