painting of a white flower symbolizing crown chakra opening

Crown Chakra Opening Symptoms

Explore the signs of Crown Chakra opening, including heightened intuition and spiritual awareness. Learn how to recognize and embrace these awakening symptoms.

Crown Chakra opening symptoms feel like being in a symphony of different feelings and discoveries, which are beyond the physical, emotional, or even spiritual. These symptoms are the early signs of the increase of energy through the crown chakra showing the path to spirituality, divinity and oneness with the universe.

The Profound Effects of Kundalini Awakening

The feeling of your crown chakra fully opening is a highly profound spiritual experience. This is often also referred to as ‘Kundalini awakening’.

The symptoms are therefore mostly of spiritual nature. One effect is the loss of your ego – which means that you still keep your consciousness, control, and awareness, but your mind chatter is silent and the awareness of ‘self’ transcends the physical limits of your body.

You might feel telepathically connected to people around you, be able to ‘read their minds’ and moreover to ‘feel their feelings’. You might even control the energy of the space and people (and animals) around you with your own feelings. How your ‘mood’ changes, everything around you will change – you have telepathic control originating from the ‘feeling’.

You can expect to have visions with your eyes open or closed. You could be seeing the energy flowing to and from your body, especially the cone of bright light shining from the Universe through the top of your head and then downwards, dissolving your physical body.

Feeling of being connected with everything, all the creation, supported by universal love in a place where no time and space exists is a definitive symptom suggesting that your crown chakra is fully open and that Kundalini is flowing freely through all of your chakras and Nadis and is burning the Karma patterns away.

The experience itself, if only lived once in a lifetime, is motivation enough to start working on your chakras and energy.

You can read a report of my personal kundalini awakening experience here.


Physical Symptoms and Signs of Crown Chakra Opening

  1. Head Tingling: Sensations such as tickling or crawling feeling on the scalp, particularly on top of the head.
  2. Headaches: Constant migraine or pressure on the head, particularly on the top part.
  3. Dizziness: Dizziness and fainting are known to occur in some instances.
  4. Sensitivity to Light: Sensitivity to bright lights.
  5. Sleep Changes: Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep, or sleep disorders generally referred to as insomnia.
  6. Temperature Changes: Feelings of heat or cold in the head, particularly on the scalp.
  7. Nervous System Effects: Heightened nervous system sensitivity.
  8. Neck Pain: Pain or soreness in the neck and shoulders.
  9. Tension: This is a sensation of pressure, as if the head is held tightly in a vice or there is a heavy weight on it.
  10. Fatigue: Extreme tiredness or weakness without any plausible reason.

Emotional and Spiritual Symptoms of Crown Chakra Opening

  1. Heightened Awareness: Increased awareness of universal consciousness.
  2. Spiritual Connection: Deeper connection with a force greater than oneself or an energy in the universe.
  3. Inner Peace: Deep sense of harmony and serenity.
  4. Sense of Unity: High levels of empathy and the ability to see oneself in all the other beings.
  5. Detachment: Sacrifice and letting go of self-ego desires.
  6. Blissful States: Moments of euphoria, feelings of happiness, comfort and even what can be described as ‘heaven’.
  7. Intuition: Increased insights and the ability to make better decisions.
  8. Synchronicities: Lots of meaningful and unexplainable coincidences in everyday life.
  9. Transcendence: The ability to rise above the physical world, to somehow gain a perspective on it that is more than just an every-day awareness.
  10. Purpose: A more refined orientation in one’s life.

Understanding and Embracing Crown Chakra Opening Symptoms

When you are starting the process of the opening of the crown chakra, you are entering the world of spirituality, ascension, and union with the divine. The symptoms that you are encountering indicate the increasing process of merging with the higher consciousness and the understanding of who you truly are – a spiritual being.

Spiritual Awakening and Connection to Universal Consciousness

The first and most obvious sign related to the crown chakra opening is spiritual awakening or a sense of spiritual connection with the divine. It is possible to feel a state of enlightenment, knowledge and serenity as you align yourself with the higher dimension of awareness. They enable one to realize that everything and everyone is connected and that there is divinity in each of us.

Divine Union and Cosmic Oneness

As the crown chakra begins to awaken, we can feel the connection with the divine and the oneness of the universe. You will develop a sense of the sanctity of life and appreciation and amazement of the marvels of the universe. This connection to the divine is what allows you to let go of what is going on and trust the destiny that is in motion.

Overcoming of the Ego and Personal Self

Once the crown chakra is opened, the individual can let go of the ego and realize there is no separation between people. You will have moments of ego death, and ego dissolving, as you become one with the cosmic consciousness. This is what frees you from the egoic mind and allows you to embrace all the potential of the true self.

Access to Higher States of Consciousness

While opening crown chakra, you may experience different levels of spirituality that include kundalini awakening, samadhi, bliss and cosmic consciousness. These states of expanded consciousness enable one to perceive the unbounded aspect of your existence and the ubiquity of the sacred. Accepting these states with the grace and respect is possible to become a true torch of the divine Spark within.

The Meaning of Life, Submission to the Divine Will, and Divine Purpose

This chakra opening relates to the divine, so you may enhance your understanding of spiritual purpose and will. It will feel as though there is a force beyond this world helping and guiding you when you let go of the struggle and trust the process of your soul. It affords you the ability to live your life purpose and help in the healing of the planet’s collective consciousness.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey of Crown Chakra Opening

In conclusion, the symptoms that you feel when you open your crown chakra, are signs of an energy change that takes place in your body. In this way, you can become aware of these sensations and thus approach the process of opening the chakra with more acceptance and submission. As a result of spiritual awakening, divine communication, and self-identification, the crown chakra opening provides an excellent opportunity to achieve spiritual evolution and liberation. Welcome this process with honor and respect as it is guiding you to your true essence and to the state of divine love and knowledge.

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